Portable mp3DirectCut 2.08 MultiLang

Fast and extensive audio editor and recorder for compressed mp3 (more infos) without installation.
Download Portable mp3DirectCut on RapidShare (0.46 MB)

Extract on hard disk or USB key and run mp3DirectCutPortable.
Include lame_enc.dll 3.97
Language fixed by launcher according Windows localisation: English, Belarusian, Catalan, SimpChinese, TradChinese, Czech, Danish, German, Finnish, French, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Dutch, Polish, PortugueseBR, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Ukrainian.
Settings of installed mp3DirectCut should be preserved.

Comments on PortableAppZ: Portable AS3 Personal Firewall 2.0 MultiLang

Hey Bernat !
Serait il possible que tu nous fasses Indesign CS3 si t'as le temps ?
Merci d'avance et merci pour la qualité de tes release !

Portable AS3 Personal Firewall 2.0 MultiLang

Prevent outsiders from accessing your network (more infos) without installation.
Download Portable AS3PF on RapidShare (0.44 MB)

Extract on hard disk or USB key and run AS3PFPortable.
Don't forget to close in systray before leaving (otherwise settings will not be saved).
Language fixed by launcher according Windows localisation: Dutch, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Macedonian, PortugueseBR, Romanian, Russian, Ukrainian.
Settings of installed AS3PF should be preserved.

Thanks to Sl4yer who let me know this software here.